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Fellowships, assistantships, and scholarships
We have a range of teaching and research assistantships, as well as fellowships and scholarships based on talent, academic merit, and financial need. Virtually every graduate student in the Department of Theatre Arts is appointed as a teaching or research assistant or has substantial scholarship support. Assistantships are awarded to incoming students as part of their acceptance package; continuing students apply in February for the following year, and they may propose to continue their current assignment or seek a new position in order to diversify their skill-sets.
Teaching and research assistantships
Nearly all Department of Theatre Arts graduate students hold an assistantship for the three years they are in residence. Theatre arts assistantships require anywhere from ten to twenty hours per week. Salaries range from $10,000 to $22,000.
Tuition scholarships
Students holding a 25% or greater teaching or research assistantship (covered by the COGS bargaining unit) are assured a scholarship that covers full tuition and 50% of mandatory student fees for the academic year. Students who have an assistantship quarter-time or more are classified as Iowa residents for tuition and fee purposes.
Iowa Arts Fellowship
Each year the Department of Theatre Arts offers Iowa Arts Fellowships to four incoming students in our MFA programs. This is a one-year award that includes an $20,000 academic year fellowship stipend plus tuition and health insurance allowance.
Theatre arts scholarships
The Department of Theatre Arts has a number of scholarships specifically designated for graduate students. Scholarships are awarded annually. Awards are based on the recommendation of the head of each program.
MFA Summer Fellowship
The Graduate College offers an MFA Summer Fellowship that encourages students to pursue projects and professional development opportunities during the summer break. Theatre Arts graduate students who are awarded the fellowship receive a stipend of up to $5,500.
The Graduate College
The Graduate College offers a wealth of information about funding for graduate students through additional methods. You can learn more about funding your education on their site: