Learn more about TA policies

When you contract to teach at the university, the spirit of the agreement is that you will honor all of your employment-related obligations, including meeting all of your scheduled classes or discussion sections, attending any lectures and exam periods connected with the course for which you are leading a discussion section, and attending mandatory TA meetings. The spirit of the agreement also commits you to being prepared and on time for these obligations. Along with teaching course content, you are also modeling appropriate, professional conduct in the learning environment. Thus, it is understood that absence from an employment-related obligation occurs very rarely, if at all, and certainly no more than once or twice in an academic year. When an absence occurs, two key principles apply: 1) it must be formally reported; 2) arrangements must be made so that the class material is covered for the students.

The Department of Theatre Arts requires that you adhere to the following procedures:

  • Unless the situation involves sudden illness or emergency, it is expected that you will consult with your course supervisor to obtain approval well in advance of the absence.
  • Arrange for another qualified TA or faculty member to cover your class. Individual supervisors will clarify any special procedures for substitutions. If this is not possible, you need some other means to cover the material for all of your students, such as make-up sessions.
  • In case of illness or emergency, try to contact another TA to cover the class if at all possible. Notify the Main Office at 319-335-2700 and your course supervisor as soon as possible of the situation. Let the Main Office know whether someone else is covering for you or if a class cancellation notice should be posted on the classroom door.
  • Submit a completed "Graduate Instructor Absence Form" to the Main Office. Prior to submission, you must obtain the signatures of your course supervisor and the substitute instructor. You will receive a copy and the original will be placed in your employment file.

Please note that, according to the University of Iowa Operations Manual (III, 22.3), "An absence due to a medically-related disability, emergency, funeral, service as a pall bearer, adoption, and/or on-the-job-injury is a sick leave absence and may be charged against an employee's accrued sick leave credits." Failure to report an absence can result in disciplinary action.

The Department recognizes and supports the University policy banning the possession or use of alcohol or drugs in University buildings, except in the case of alcohol publicly available at officially-sponsored University functions. The Department specifically prohibits the use of alcohol or drugs in class, rehearsals, or performances. The safety of others and the integrity of the work process must be respected. Anyone found to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol to the extent that his or her performance is impaired or adversely affects the performance of others will be asked to leave the premises and, if necessary, the Department of Public Safety will be called. In the case of academic classes, it is the instructor's responsibility to determine evidence of impairment. In the case of rehearsal or performance, it is the responsibility of the stage manager, assistant stage manager, director, or crew chief involved.

Read the full University policy.