Joan Newhouse, BA

Paint Shop Supervisor
Scenic Charge Artist

Joan Newhouse is the Paint Shop Supervisor and Charge Scenic Artist for the theatre arts, opera, and dance departments. She received her BA in Technical Theatre at University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. Before arriving at University of Iowa, Joan was the Paint Shop Manager/Charge Scenic Artist at the University of Calfornia-San Diego for seven years; five of those years she was concurrently working in that role for the Tony award winning, La Jolla Playhouse. The seven years prior to that, she was working at Cobalt Scenic Studios in upstate New York.

Portrait of Joan Newhouse
BA, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire
Contact Information

University of Iowa
2326B Hancher Auditorium (HA)
Iowa City, IA 52242
United States


University of Iowa
184B Theatre Building (TB)
Iowa City, IA 52242
United States